How to Find an 800 Number

Has this happened to you? You received a call from an 800 number you don’t recognize, or you wrote down an 800 number and now you don’t remember where it came from. If you’d like to figure out where that 1-800 number originated from, you can do that quite easily with the following free resources.

Use Google to find the origin of the 800 number

Go to and type in the 800 number with hyphens in the search field. For example, if you type in the number 800-872-2657, the first search result tells you it’s a number for U.S. Bank.

This can be the fastest way to find out who owns an 800 number, but not all numbers are listed publicly and easy to access. That doesn’t mean you can’t find it though – there are plenty of sites that offer directories of 800 numbers.

Find a directory online

There are plenty of directories out there online that give searchers the ability to track down 1-800 numbers. Here are a couple of the most useful directories:

  • 800 Notes: This 800 number directory is a free reverse phone number lookup database that is built by users just like you who get calls from 800 numbers and then log comments about those particular numbers.
  • Just paste the 800 number you are looking for in the field on this Online Toll-Free Number Directory. The site is a little slow, but if you are patient, you’ll see results.

Use social media to track that number down

Many businesses publish their 800 numbers on their social networking profiles. Social networking search engines that search across several different sites can track down this information for you easily if the owner has listed it anywhere. You’ll need to search within these sites in order to find the listing – for example, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook all offer this capability.


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