Common Texting and Internet Abbreviations: Here’s What They Stand For

TTYS….BRB…..IDK…what do all these abbreviations mean? If you’ve ever been online and come across an abbreviation that you are not sure about, this article is here to help. Many websites from Reddit to Facebook to your mobile phone texts to thousands of message boards, blogs, and other online destinations – seem to have a language that is unique and indecipherable to the casual visitor, but once you figure out what these acronyms really mean, you’ll start being able to contribute to the conversation.

Here is a list of the most common abbreviations used when online. These acronyms are some of the most current that you’ll come across on the Web. As the Web continues to evolve, and more people continue to interact, communicate, and collaborate online, the lexicon of abbreviations will only continue to grow.

?/10 Funny stats, like “10/10 would snuggle that puppy”, or “10/10 that car is amazing”
AFAIC As Far As I’m Concerned
AFAIK As Far As I Know
AFAIR As Far As I Recall/Remember
BAE Before Anyone Else
BFF Best Friends Forever
CSB Cool Story Bro (usually said sarcastically)
DAE Does Anyone Else, Did Anyone Else
FIFY Fixed It For You (usually meant ironically/sarcastically)
FTFY Fixed That For You
FTW For The Win (indicating that something is extremely good)
FUBAR F***ed Up Beyond All/Any Reason/Recognition/Repair
GG Good Game, Good Going, Good Guy, Good Girl – usually used sarcastically
HIFW, HIFRW How I Feel When, How I Feel Right When
IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer (disclaimer for when giving legal information)
IDK I Don’t Know
IIRC If I Recall Correctly, If I Remember Correctly
IKR? I Know, Right?
IMHO In My Humble Opinion, In My Honest Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
inb4 In Before (used to indicate superiority somehow)
IRL In Real Life (used to talk about something that is not online)
MFW My Face When
MRW My Reaction When; Me Right When
MWF Married White Female/Monday, Wednesday, Friday
NBD No Big Deal
NGL Not Gonna Lie
NSFB Not Safe For Breakfast or Bedtime (disturbing content)
NSFL Not Safe For Life (extremely disturbing content)
NSFW Not Safe For Work (includes nudity or sex)
OC Original Content
OMD Oh My Damn
OMG Oh My God, Oh My Goodness, Oh My Gosh
OP Original Poster (original person who posted the story)
SMDH Shaking My Damn Head
SMH Shaking My Head
SOML Story of My Life
TBH To Be Honest
TBT Truth Be Told
TIL Today I Learned
tl:dr too long, didn’t read (short summary at the end of a very long story)
TMYK The More You Know
TTYTT To Tell You The Truth
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary; usually in reference to a personal anecdote that won’t be univerally applicable

Is there another acronym that you’ve come across online, or an abbreviation that you’re curious about? Please share it with us in the comments below!

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